Better communication skills will advance your career and business. Are you ready to enhance your understanding and results from better communication? Listen to learn how to deliver Your Intended Message. Are you willing to cross-examine communication from various perspectives? Would you like to deliver your intended message more effectively? Listen to Your Intended Message to gain a powerful advantage in your ability to convey your message to your audience, team, clients or marketplace. Learn from the mistakes and success of communication experts from around the world from different scenarios. Imagine what that means to you when you improve the success of your next conversation, presentation or message.

Thursday Oct 28, 2021
66 Peter de Jager, Problem Solving - Where is the Box
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Problem Solving: First we need to see the box
Peter de Jager explores the challenges, beliefs and joys of effective problem solving
Problem solving is a fundamental skill, yet many get it wrong. They approach problem solving like mathematics in their search for the right answer.
Insights from this discussion with Peter de Jager
- There is no spoon
- Your box might not be my box
- There is no one right answer
- The problem is not the situation
- The problem you see might not be the real problem
- The first step is to reassess the situation
- Your solution might address the situation while not addressing my problem
- The problem might be a matter of perception
Peter de Jager has been addressing problem solving and change for more than 40 years. He is an agent of change and champion of problem solving. And yes, his perspective has changed over those decades as he continues to change...
He has produced more than 100 webinars on the topic of change. You can find the library of his webinars here...
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Thursday Oct 21, 2021
65 John Wilson, Boost employee engagement
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Employee engagement is at all-time lows. Why and what can you do about it?
John Wilson examines the crisis of low employee engagement.
Every employee has the right to a good leader.
Bad leaders make bad bosses.
Better employee engagement is a competitive advantage.
Who owns the responsibility for employee engagement. (Hint, it's not HR.)
What does low engagement cost the organization?
How does low engagement effect mental health?
What is the CEO disease?
John Wilson is the founder and CEO of CEO Global Network.
This is where CEOs go to learn from other successful CEOs.
CEO Global Network is on a mission to significantly improve the success and lives of CEOs and executives, their families and their companies.
Learn more about CEO Global Network by clicking on the logo.
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Thursday Oct 14, 2021
64 Kristin Arnold, Speak and Shine on Panels
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
How can you leverage panels to spread your message and enhance your image as an expert?
Do you speak as a panel guest or panel moderator? Would you like to deliver a more effective and professional image while providing a message of value to the audience?
Join Kristin Arnold as we examine:
How to prepare for the panel?
How to deliver soundbites?
How to say less while conveying more?
How to generate more panel opportunities?
How to create a more interesting and engaging experience?
Kristin Arnold is a professional meeting facilitator and leading authority on moderating panel discussions. She is the author of six books including, "123 Ways to Add Pizzazz to a Panel Discussion"
Learn more about the book here www.PanelPizzazz.com
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Thursday Oct 07, 2021
63 Jason Voiovich, Blending Story Telling, Marketing and History
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
"Your Intended Message is Your Intended Story"
Effective marketing is based on telling powerful stories. You can create powerful stories when based on lessons from history.
Jason Voiovich Is a marketer and story teller who studies the lessons of history.
Insights from this conversation
History doesn't repeat itself but it does rhyme.
Gain a competitive story telling edge from history lessons
Stories build on minimal facts - then additional facts are added to fill in the gaps
Why did each of the four participants in the War of 1812 tell a different story?
The story contains a hero, villain and conflict
Abraham Lincoln was an excellent story teller and joke teller
Over 25 years, Jason Voiovich has launched hundreds of new products. His success as a marketer is based on his power of observation of people and history. He studied the presidents of the United States from the perspective as Marketer in Chief and published his findings in his book, Marketer In Chief.
You can find his book at all the usual book distributers and learn more at this website
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Thursday Sep 30, 2021
62 Mark Brown, Business Story Telling
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Enhance your Business Message with story telling
How might you use stories more easily and effectively in you business messages. That might be in a team meeting, a sales presentation, or a leadership presentation.
Mark Brown is the 1995 Toastmasters World Champion of Public Speaking
He conveyed powerful stories in that presentation. He continues to help speakers, presenters and leaders deliver more effective messages through the power of story.
Insights from this conversation with Mark Brown
How to find your stories? Look at the photos on your phone.
What amazed you? What amused you? What moved you?
Authenticity plus Vulnerability = Credibility
The common connects
Stories mirror our lives
Stories add meaning to your corporate message
Look for the humanity behind the numbers
Stories convert data into three dimensional meaning
Mark Brown offers speech and presentation coaching for leaders. Learn more about his coaching programs here:
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Thursday Sep 23, 2021
61 Lisa Barry, Misson Led Content
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Marketing can be ethical.
Lisa Barry explores the use of Mission Led Content.
When you market with honesty, transparency and integrity - you attract your ideal customers that reflect your values. They are easier to serve and you feel better about helping them.
There's no need to SPAM, lie or be manipulative to attract business. Produce marketing messages that reveal your values to attract the right business.
Before you write your marketing copy, start by getting into the right mindset. one that focuses on your mission and sees the ripple effect.
What is the ripple effect? Listen in to hear how your actions create ripples across the market and community.
Lisa Barry helps small business owners create effective marketing content that reflects honest, transparency and integrity.
Learn more about the online program that offers support for your ongoing marketing needs at
Try it for the first month. It's free. Then decide to continue for a monthly fee.
If you ever needed a boost when writing your marketing content, this program will do that for you - every month.
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Thursday Sep 16, 2021
60 Lesley Everett, Personal Branding
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
What is your personal brand? How do you know? How can you define it?
Lesley Everett, author of Walking Tall, reveals insights about personal branding that you might want to know now.
Personal Brand
- Why might that be important to your success?
- What do people say when you leave the room?
- How can you take more control of your personal brand?
- Why is it critical to be consistent and authentic?
- Why do you need to show vulnerability?
- What is the Espresso effect?
- Insights from a conversation with Richard Branson.
Learn more about Walking Tall and the programs from Lesley Everett.
Review or register for the online programs for Personal Branding
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Thursday Sep 09, 2021
59 Brett Halliday, Building a strong and enduring team
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Recruiting, Retaining and Enumeration - the keys to building and sustaining a strong team
Brett Halliday discusses his experience in growing his career and building a national retail organization from 12 to 86 locations.
What are the keys to building a strong national retail organization?
How best to address the typical retail challenges of high turnover and low pay? (Do you think the two might be related?)
The important role of individual coaching and training.
How to highlight the opportunity for career growth.
How might customers' experience help you attract new team members.
The importance of transparency with enumeration.
Provide access to two levels above.
The career path for Brett Halliday crossed 27 years with Michael Hill Jeweller - starting in Australia and leading to Canada.
Brett Halliday is available to help ambitious retail business looking for growth, expansion and rapid increase in sales. You can contact him at the website...
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Thursday Sep 02, 2021
58 Marilyn Gist, Power of Leader Humility
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Leader Humility - Feeling and displaying a deep regard for others' dignity
When you are the leader, the team is observing and judging you. These three silent questions come to mind.
- Who are you?
- Where are we going?
- Do you see me?
The six behaviors of a leader with humility:
- Balanced ego
- Robust integrity
- Compelling vision
- Ethical strategies
- Generous inclusion
- Helping people develop
Marilyn Gist is a recognized expert who augments direct leadership experience in business with deep academic credentials. She has served as Professor of Management, and Executive Director of university leadership programs.
She has studied why leader humility is the essential foundation of all healthy organizations and validated her work with interviews of prominent CEOs of companies including the Mayo Clinic, Ford, Starbucks and Costco.
The Extraordinary Power of Leader Humility (available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other book retailers)
Take the free Assessment Tests on Leader HumilityYou can take these on their own and receive confidential, instant results.
Learn more about the Master Class: Leader Humility: The Essence of Working Together

Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
57 Hugh Coppen, communication lessons from nature
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
What can we learn from nature to improve our communication skills?
Nature communicates effectively across species and yet we humans seem to have lost some of that natural understanding. What might an immersion in the African wildlife teach us about effective communication skills?
Hugh Coppen leads safaris into the African wildlife of Zimbabwe.
See the gallery of fabulous photos here https://www.tasimba.com/photo-gallery/
In this discussion, he offers insights about how African wildlife communicate effectively. What might we learn from studying their communication challenges and techniques?
The three primary communication methods for animals:
- Body Language
- Scent
- Listening
Why are elephants the great communicators?
Did you know that elephants have a private communication channel?
How do you hug an elephant?
What are the primary lessons we can take from Hugh's observations?
Ironic that one of them is the power of listening. Be sure to listen to this conversation with Hugh Coppen.
Learn more about this African wildlife adventure https://www.tasimba.com/
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