Better communication skills will advance your career and business. Are you ready to enhance your understanding and results from better communication? Listen to learn how to deliver Your Intended Message. Are you willing to cross-examine communication from various perspectives? Would you like to deliver your intended message more effectively? Listen to Your Intended Message to gain a powerful advantage in your ability to convey your message to your audience, team, clients or marketplace. Learn from the mistakes and success of communication experts from around the world from different scenarios. Imagine what that means to you when you improve the success of your next conversation, presentation or message.

Thursday Aug 19, 2021
56 Robert Gignac, The Money Conversations
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
What are the three big money conversations with your family?
Robert Gignac points out the importance of these conversations, the pitfalls and offers advice on how to approach them and the people.
The three family money conversations are:
- Parent to young child to set life lessons
- Partner to partner - especially early in the relationship
- Adult child to elderly parent about safety and security
What makes money conversations so emotional?
The lost lessons of the piggy bank?
How might money be used as a weapon in a relationship?
Where does money come from?
Robert Gignac is the author of the Canadian best-seller "Rich is a State of Mind" available only at https://richisastateofmind.com/order/
Robert Gignac speaks to companies, associations and groups about personal finance, doing better/different things with your money and creating the future you want.
Learn more about Robert and his programs here
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Thursday Aug 12, 2021
55 Ed Rush, F-18 pilot, Business Growth Consultant
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
What can flying a F-18 fighter from the deck of a carrier teach you about building a better business?
Ed Rush reveals the challenges, fears, lessons and nuances of flying faster than the speed of sound - and how he translates those into building blocks for a healthy business.
What is it important to fail fast and move on?
What looks smooth is an illusion.
What are the three stages of screwing up?
Why is it important to push conscious thinking to the subconscious?
When does perceived value transform to real value and why is that significant?
Ed Rush was a F-18 pilot who flew over 50 combat missions. He served as one of the top instructors on aerial dog fighting (think Top Gun). He is a 5 time bestselling author.
He helps business become more profitable based on his life lessons.
Learn more about Ed Rush and his programs at https://edrush.com/
Learn about the book here www.EdRushBook.com
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Thursday Aug 05, 2021
54 Lee Kitchen, Innovation & Creativity
Thursday Aug 05, 2021
Thursday Aug 05, 2021
Lee Kitchen aka the Magical Dude is also called; Innovation Catalyst, Design Thinking Trainer and Culture-Change Agent
- What is the process to innovation and creative problem solving?
- What is design thinking and how to apply it?
- How to cultivate fresh thinking?
- Why is empathy important to this process of change?
We explore the process and nuances of innovation, creative problem solving and design thinking. We explore the advice that Mickey Mouse might offer.
Lee Kitchen worked at Disney for 32 years. His journey started in Operations & Guest Relations, then moved through Special Events, PR, Marketing and Advertising.
Currently offering his experience as an Innovation Catalyst via his company, Magical Dude Consulting. Visit his website here https://www.magicaldude.com/
You can arrange for a keynote for your conference, training workshops for your team or consulting for your strategic needs.
Lee Kitchen is also a streamer with two programs, Inspiration in a Box and Beats-Party-Magic on
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Thursday Jul 29, 2021
53 George O'Neill, Communicate with your Board
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
How to communicate with your board of directors.
George O'Neill examines communication with, from and within a board. What are the roles and responsibilities of the CEO, board chair and board members?
- As CEO, how might you establish a positive working relationship with your board?
- What information does the board need?
- What challenges might a CEO encounter and how best to address them?
- How might the board clarify focus?
- Why should the board chair be "nose in and fingers out"?
When you are a board member:
- How can you be better qualified to join a board?
- What are your true responsibilities?
What are the key differences between for-profit and non-profit boards?
George O'Neill started his career as an aerospace engineer and worked his way through roles as management consultant, CEO and board director positions.
He has experience in both public and private sector technology focused companies while working helping manage the CEO-Board relationship.
George O'Neill is partner in, Revalio.com, a start-up company focused on aiding the residential real estate experience for home seller and sellers.
For instant home evaluation visit https://revalio.com/
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Thursday Jul 22, 2021
52 Fred Miller, No Sweat Public Speaking
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
No Sweat Public Speaking and No Sweat Elevator Speech - tips from Fred Miller
In this fun and engaging conversation we explore how to approach the networking question, "So what do you do?"
We highlight communication and presentation challenges and your choices to convey your message effectively.
Better communications skills can make the difference between receiving more recognition and opportunities - or being shunted to the back room, away from the action.
- What are the sticky spots and why do you need to practice them more?
- What are the guidelines for practising your presentation?
- What four ways should you review the video of your presentation?
- Why are the opening and the close so important to your message?
- Why perfect presentation isn't the goal and what is?
Fred Miller is a speaker and public speaking coach. He;s the author of the No Sweat series.
Learn more about Fred Miller and his programs at his site https://nosweatpublicspeaking.com/
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Thursday Jul 15, 2021
51 John Watkis, The musical principles of pubic speaking
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
What can public speakers learn from music?
What key principles of music would help you deliver a superior speech?
John Watkis is a professional public speaker, singer, musician and Lion King performer. What lessons does he offer to make your presentation, speech or talk more effective?
You don't need to be a singer or musician to learn from these principles and techniques to improve your presentations.
How might a speaker follow the principles and leverage the techniques of mood, chorus and rhythm?
How can you take advantage of the powerful pause?
How can you tune your instrument?
What lessons can you take from practising scales?
To learn more about High Stakes Performance Connects - contact John Watkis by email at john@johnwatkis.com
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Thursday Jul 08, 2021
50 Nancy Juetten, Be Seen, Be Heard & Be Celebrated
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
When was the last time you examined or edited your bio?
Nancy Juetten offers a refreshing perspective and valuable insights about the importance of a well written biography, (bio).
Consider these relevant questions:
- What does your bio (really) say about you?
- What is the purpose of your bio?
- How do you know if it's working?
- What are red flags that you want to avoid?
- Where might you publish your bio and why must it adapt to the platform and purpose?
Do you want your bio to help you:
- Encourage new contacts on Linkedin?
- Invite prospects to contact you?
- Solicit media interviews?
- Develop speaking engagements?
Are you clearly addressing the focus questions of What, Who and Wow?
Nancy Juetten is the author of "Bye Bye Boring Bio", a workbook to help you transform your bio into a powerful marketing statement for you and the value you offer to your market.
Two Free Gifts from Nancy Juetten
Preview of Bye Bye Boring Bio: https://njuetten.lpages.co/your-2020-bye-bye-boring-bio-preview/
Media one sheet gift template: https://njuetten.lpages.co/media-one-sheet-template/
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Thursday Jul 01, 2021
49 Peter de Jager, Serious Change in Return to Normal
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
The New Normal involves Serious Change
Are we simply moving from chaos to new chaos?
Why will the new normal not really be normal?
Why so we often resist change?
How can we manage the change more effectively?
What steps can we take to ease the friction of change?
What messages must leaders be sending?
Peter de Jager, is a specialist and speaker on Change Management with 35 years of international experience. You can visit his online library of resources for managers at https://technobility.online/
There are over 100 webinars at this site. You can explore as much as you want, free for one month. Then decide if you want more. You can also register for the monthly webinars.
You can listen to Peter de Jager's podcast, Y2K: An Autobiography on iTunes and other podcast apps.
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Thursday Jun 24, 2021
48 Dianna Booher, Creating Personal Presence
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Creating Personal Presence with Dianna Booher
It might be difficult to describe, yet you probably recognize it when you see it. You also know when its missing. This thing we call presence is more important to our success in our career and as a leader.
Dianna Booher describes four buckets that compose leadership presence.
1. How you appear (sets first impressions)
2. How you speak - voice, word choice
3. How you think - logic, clarity, organized messages
4. Other - includes your values, personality, competence, commitment
Of these four buckets, you'll notice that the first three can be learned and are simply how you express the most important bucket, number 4.
What does it really mean when you're told to polish your communication skills?
What steps can you take to start enhancing your personal presence now?
Why might it be important for a leader to write a real book?
Dianna Booher is the author of 49 books - all published by major US publishers also available in 62 foreign editions.
As a communication consultant and presentation coach, her clients include one-third of the Fortune 500.
Dianna hosts Booher Book Camps where she helps professionals develop their own bestsellers to get there "intended message" out into the world.
Learn more here BooherBookCamp.com
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Thursday Jun 17, 2021
47 Elsewine Rietveld, Confidence and Presence
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
What's the most common challenge with public speaking?
What's the biggest challenge with speaking on camera?
The answer to both questions is the same - it's the discomfort, anxiety and feeling inadequate.
What might you do to feel more comfortable and more confident when speaking - especially on camera?
That's the question that this podcast conversation will address with author, Elsewine Reitveld, as our guest.
What can you learn from the martial arts or meditation to calm yourself when speaking?
If you could only change one aspect of your live and on-camera presentations - what would that be?
The most common answer that I hear is - "I want to feel more comfortable and confidence".
That's why you should listen to this conversation with Elsewine Reitveld.
Get Comfortable on Camera - you can get your copy of this book to boost your on-camera experience and success.
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