Better communication skills will advance your career and business. Are you ready to enhance your understanding and results from better communication? Listen to learn how to deliver Your Intended Message. Are you willing to cross-examine communication from various perspectives? Would you like to deliver your intended message more effectively? Listen to Your Intended Message to gain a powerful advantage in your ability to convey your message to your audience, team, clients or marketplace. Learn from the mistakes and success of communication experts from around the world from different scenarios. Imagine what that means to you when you improve the success of your next conversation, presentation or message.
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Quiet Quitting and the Alternatives: Chris Tuff
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
In your job what fires you up? What sucks?
Why both are part of your work and how to find the right balance?
Episode 129 (Chris is based in Atlanta, Georgia)
In this conversation with Chris Tuff we explore:
- What is the right balance of work you love and work that sucks?
- How the different generations view work differently
- Why the grass isn't always greener elsewhere
- What does work flexibility mean and how is it changing?
- The value of more constructive feedback
- How to develop authentic connection with the team
- How to be nice and still fire someone
About Chris Tuff
Chris is the author of "Save Your Asks" and "The Millennial Whisperer".
Through his energy, humor and storytelling, Chris demonstrates how connection can accelerate business growth as well as recruitment and retention.
Learn more about Chris at the website www.ChrisTuff.me
Books by Chris Tuff
Excerpts from this conversation with Chris Tuff
There is nothing worse in life than complacency.
So 70%, generally speaking, of your job should actually fire you up and actually put this into tactics where on the first week that someone joins my team, I will have them take their job description and figure out what's in your 70% zone of excellence and fire you up.
And then what's in your 30% zone of suck, right? Because the harsh reality, and I tell this to anyone willing to listen is that 30% of all of our jobs are gonna suck.
I went into an organization that had, okay, so they have 100,000 employees, but 2500 HR leaders, all right, which will give you perspective to just how much they put in their people and culture 2500 people.
And so I dissected their data we did, we spent two months prepping for this meeting. And it all came down to just one big takeaway, which is just make it easy, everyone loves it here.
But you make it so hard for people to actually move laterally to other parts of that organization. The simplest thing you can do is allow people to make those lateral job moves, because people are not leaving, because you make it so difficult, because you end up prioritizing those, those jobs for people from the outside.
Effective, authentic connection. How do you how do you know if it feels right?
So authenticity is one of the things that's so few and far between in this world and my whole platform is around authentic connection. And, you know, one of the things that I emphasize is what I call the art of the fly by.
And the art of the fly by is simply going by anyone on your team's desk and just saying, or, you know, in a hybrid workforce, texting them a video text message and say, George, that vacation you took last weekend look, epic.
Tell me more about it. Like, I saw that you hung out at the beach and tried out surfing, that's awesome. Props to you. How did it go? Right? It's just taking a little bit of that vested interest in their daily lives,
Read the rest of this entry »Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Convey Your Message with a Short Book: Mike Capuzzi
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
If you have experience and expertise you can publish a book
Let's explore the magic of short books to boost your intended message
Episode 128 (Mike is based in eastern Pennsylvania)
In this conversation with Mike Capuzzi, we explore:
- Why a short book can help your business differentiate from the competition
- Why a short can boost your career and help build your team
- Where do you start when planning a book
- Why a short book is better than a long book
- How do approach your book project
- The magic of short books and free books
About Mike Capuzzi:
Mike has written and published 19 books, including two Amazon @1 Best Sellers.
He has helped over 225 business owners, entrepreneurs and corporate leaders publish their own short books.
He started his career in engineering and shifted to marketing in 1994.
Grab the offer of three free ebooks about the magic of publishing short books here https://mikecapuzzi.com/magic/
Excerpts from this conversation with Mike Capuzzi
The thought is always about serving the reader first
I think most of us are short on time, or at least we appear to be, therefore lets appreciate it - this idea of a short book that can be read in an hour or so.
About two thirds of our clients are local business owners, the local retailer, the local physician, the local chiropractor, the local insurance agent.
And that person that woman, or man who writes that book, they typically want to be what I call five mile famous, they want to be the number one chiropractor, the most sought after Dentist, the you know, insurance agent who's known for XYZ, whatever it might be.
So they're not looking to be a worldwide phenomena, they are looking to be an established authority in their community.
So for them, it's really about being different than their competition. Each one of those types of business owners has a ton of competition, most of their competition, if not all have never written a book.
So right there differentiates them. So being five mile famous for the local business owner is definitely one of the biggest benefits.
For the corporate leader, the entrepreneur, the business owner, like myself, who has a worldwide audience, we have clients all over the world, it's a bit different, it is more about establishing your authority, your expertise on a worldwide level doesn't necessarily mean speaking, though. I have spoken on stage several times over the years.
But it's really about being a credible source of podcast guest, you know, immediate interview potential prospect for media.
And it's really about using your book to establish that expertise, that authority, that credibility.
Read the rest of this entry »Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Professional Service Firms, Polish Your Message: Sandra Bekhor
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
You communicate on many channels and must get it right every time
How do you manage the emotional messages?
Episode 127 (Sandra is based in Toronto)
In this conversation with Sandra Bekhor, we explore:
- The communication challenges of professional service firms
- How to polish your customer service messaging
- How to handle angry customers
- The importance of modern thinking and adopting the scientist mindset
- Why start with scripts and how to use them
- How to make promises that you can fulfil
About Sandra Bekhor:
Sandra is the subject matter expert for the comprehensive, "Marketing for Architects" course offered by the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada.
Bekhor Management provides strategic and authentic practice development coaching for small to mid-sized professional service firms.
Learn more about her services at www.Bekhor.ca
Excerpts from this conversation with Sandra Bekhor
Communication isn't one thing. So just because you're great at doing your presentation, your pitch to your client, well doesn't mean that you know, how to give someone feedback.
And it doesn't mean that you know, how to handle conflict. Right. So, there are so many different aspects of communication.
So you have to write a script. And that's your starting point.
And then practice it with situations that are safe. And then eventually you do learn that language that is authentic to you.
So that when you go into the real world, and and use the script, and it's just a starting point, it's not that you're going to stick to that language Exactly. But you will actually feel bolstered.
So your renovation firm doing some renovations on the house. And I'm on the phone with you and say well...
I thought you were going to your people were going to show up on Monday, and it's now Tuesday afternoon and they still aren't here and I didn't get any calls.
What the hell's the matter with you people?
Are I'm going to jump in here as Samantha. Oh, George, I am so glad you told me this happened. You know, this week, things have just gotten out of control with people being sick and having family emergencies.
And I didn't realize that this happened this morning. I don't know how I will fix this for you. But just give me an hour. I'm going to check in with my team and I promise to call you back in an hour.
And then we will discuss what what we can do about this.
Okay, now I'm calm.
Ah, wonderful. See? And again, you you, you calm the situation. And you didn't over promise you didn't make excuses. And you pointed out I don't know, I'll have to find it and get back to you. And sometimes that's good enough.
You know, this is such an interesting point. Most professionals are scared to say I don't know. And it's actually a secret weapon.
Just Just remember that people calm down when they see your own. I don't know, transparency.
You know, if you say I don't know, it doesn't mean your failure. It doesn't mean you're not good at your job doesn't mean that you're not smart. It means you don't know this exact moment, that specific very thing.
And you're making a promise that you will go find out for the person who does know, and you will get back to them.
You didn't lose anything in admitting that you don't know. In fact, the person calmed down, because you said that instead of pretending, pretending that you know something that you don't know, which would have made it worse.
Read the rest of this entry »Thursday Dec 22, 2022
From Technical Expert to Leadership: Susan Schwartz
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Be emotionally intelligent to lead motivated teams
When you lead, you can't be the smartest person in the room
Episode 126 (Susan is based in San Francisco)
In this conversation with Susan Schwartz, we explore:
- Making the transition from star performer to team leader
- Developing an insider code when working with different personality types
- The difference between emotional intelligence and emotionally intelligent
- When technical expertise encounters the challenge of leadership
- Building the team by delegating responsibilities and developing skills
- The leaders' dirty little secret about leading
About Susan Schwartz:
Susan is author of, Creating a Greater Whole: A Project Manager's Guide to Becoming a Leader. It's the main textbook for a Project Management Communication course at Georgetown University.
Susan developed an Expert to Excellence leadership program that uses practical, measurable Emotional Intelligence methods that help people understand intangible leadership skills and create tangible action plans
Learn more about Susan and her programs at
Excerpts from this conversation with Susan Schwartz
Emotional intelligence is about observations and behaviors
And what happens when a technical person is promoted for their expertise. And all those years, they spent honing that knowledge. They've had a mindset, that's all about them.
What is their expertise, people come to them. They are the expert. When you get promoted to be a manager or a leadership role, all of a sudden, it's not about you.
It's about them. And that's awfully scary because your performance evaluation is not based on what you achieved. Your performance evaluation is based on what the people who work with you or for you, and perhaps even partners outside of your company.
So you have to really start paying attention to them
Right. And you've got to delegate. That's perhaps the one of two most important skills because you're so busy doing their job, you can't do your job till after five o'clock.
You can't get promoted if you're busy doing your people's work, because you are so very important. And nobody else can do what you can do. That can't possibly promote you, because you're too valuable in your current role.
And I heard of a pearl of wisdom there that I want to repeat for people, if you are a leader, a team leader, a manager, if you're the only one that can do the job, then you aren't doing your job.
If you're the only one who can do what it is that your your department your team delivers, then you're really not doing it properly. Because you're not the manager, you think you're still the star.
And your success is dependent on their success. And so that comes back to you have to start being open, and realize that your success is by giving people professional development, helping them grow.
And that's the second piece of the puzzle. And this is why I love the name of your podcast is these new, expert knowledge experts transforming to leadership role, sometimes have difficulty assuring that the message they intended is received as they intended.
And because how often I've done it a lot of you sure you've done it altogether. That's not what I meant. And it still happens to me today. And it's not what I meant.
Because you you just made an assumption that they think exactly like you think. So if you're explaining it in your terms, of course they should know it. And then you end up getting frustrated doing it yourself.
And then people leave, because they're just humiliated. They think they're stupid. And then because you're not your message isn't being received as you intended. And you get frustrated because they're not smart enough or fast enough. So then you take it back and you do it yourself.
Read the rest of this entry »Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Build your network one conversation at a time: Rob Thomas
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
How to network effectively without being a pest
Identify, Maximize, Refine and Nurture your Network of Contacts
Episode 125 (Rob is based in Connecticut)
In this conversation we explore:
- How to start conversation at a networking event
- How to flip the conversation when the other person attacks in sales mode
- How to meet the most prominent people at the event
- Are business cards still relevant and what is the protocol?
- Spot the early warnings that this person is poison
- How to take the pressure off yourself at a networking event
About Rob Thomas:
Rob is the founder and president of RobThomasGLOBAL and creator of the Rob Thomas Method, (RTM). He is the author of "Who Do You NEED to Meet?"
Rob teaches and coaches business, owners, senior executives, sales professionals and entrepreneurs how to Identify, Maximize, Refine and Nurture your network of contacts.
Learn more about Rob Thomas and his programs at the website
You can find Rob Thomas on Linkedin
Excerpts from this conversation with Rob Thomas about Networking
Well, because I used to be that guy. So when I do my public talks out and about, I talked about how I wasn't always like this, I had to learn my lesson.
I was that sales guy that you would see it those different grip and grins, and I would come up to you, I would push my business card into your face. And I would say, hey, so let's have a conversation about how I can sell you.
Essentially, I didn't say exactly that, but close enough. I didn't ask for your card. I don't want your card. And you know, people wouldn't say that, but they'd be very nice.
And then next thing, you know, they would end up throwing out the card. And I would never keep track of them. Because of course, you know, I would never ask for theirs. And I would follow up and they didn't want to talk to me.
So it wasn't until I sat down at a diner with my dear friend Brian. And he and I were about ready to talk about one of the different sales gigs I had been a part of over the years.
And he started off by saying, Alright, Rob, so we ordered our coffee. What are you going to sell me today?
I didn't have a reply to that. I didn't know what to say. And it was from that point on that my business coach at the time.
We sat after that and he said congratulations, you've arrived. You have now figured out that it isn't always about you.
Read the rest of this entry »Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Linkedin is a Watercooler: Marc W, Halpert
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Be visible, attention-grabbing and relevant
How to leverage Linkedin as your personal marketing platform
Episode 124 (Marc is based in New York city)
In this conversation we explore:
- When and why to connect with others
- How to invite connections
- Appreciation for the privilege of connections
- How to be amazing-er
- What to include in every Linkedin post
- Please don't try to sell me your bridge
- When to report inappropriate activity
- How to attract captivating recommendations
About Marc W. Halpert
Marc coaches individuals, trains groups, speaks, writes and comments on all thinks Linkedin.
He works to make each professional look amazing-er than their competitors in all walks and stages of professional life, with expertise in working with professional practitioners, nonprofit officers and particularly baby boomers maneuvering with the workforce.
Visit his website at https://connect2collaborate.com/
Naturally you can visit his profile on Linkedin. You can easily follow him to see his regular posts.
If you want to connect be sure to listen to this interview and use the magic word.
Excerpts from this conversation with Marc W. Halpert
Linkedin is NOT a job board
Mark and you caught my attention with LinkedIn is not a job board. But that was the original purpose. And both you and I, as entrepreneurs, as business owners, we know that we need to be constantly marketing and selling, but a person who has a job, they think they can stop spreading their message, stop promoting themselves. And that's a danger.
It's a big mistake, worse than a danger. Because the moment you stop promoting yourself, your company is just making you one of the rats in the maze.
All right, you're just rolling around. If you can't convince other people in your company, maybe in other departments, or you want to rise to some other position about the value you bring to the company by how you project the company, marketing strategy, the marketing message, then you're just a worker bee.
Who wants to be a worker bee?
If you are not consistently adding material about what you accomplish on behalf of the company. You're not differentiating yourself within the company. You're not going to be in that company for you all your life your whole life.
Find the amazing in every person
But it makes it a privilege to connect to somebody. So I like to use the metaphor, someone walks up to your front door of your house, knock knock.
You say who's there? This, they'll say, Hi, I'm here knocking at your door. So hi, I'm here. with you on LinkedIn. What do you want? Why should I let you into my metaphorical house? Where my metaphorical family of connections that I nurture and take very good care of live?
Why? If you can't tell me at Knock, number one, that's not a knock number two.
Number three, sorry, I asked you twice.
I just don't. But sometimes I get people say, Well, I offered to connect with you. I didn't know you could do that. And I'm a good friend of so and so. And they said, Well, why don't you tell me that? Why didn't you sell save yourself and me the effort of volley balling this whole thing around? Oh, I didn't think about that. Well, why?
Then I'm beginning to make my own mental image of do I really want to be involved with this knucklehead? I mean, really? And who would I ever refer this person to if they don't do their homework and see, so if you read my LinkedIn profile, anybody listening?
Anybody listening, you read my LinkedIn profile, and you want to connect with me, there is this magic secret word in my profile that you have to include in your LinkedIn connection request to me, then I'll go, you're worth considering.
Because you took the time to read and you saw what I said.
Read the rest of this entry »Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Networking in the Room: Frank Agin
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Build your relationships, build your network
How to show up in the room for networking
Episode 123 (Frank is based in Ohio)
In this conversation we explore:
- How to prepare your mindset for networking events
- How to start the conversation and move it forward
- Why it's more than harvesting leads
- Helping others via referrals, introductions and encouragement
- The role of karma, faith and trust
- Your secret weapon is the Cloak of Invincibility
- How to be more memorable
About Frank Agin
Frank is president of AmSpirit Business Connections and organization that empowers entrepreneurs, sales representatives and professionals to become successful through networking.
He is host of the Network Rx Podcast a weekly short-form podcast with insights and interviews related to better business relationships.
Excerpts from this conversation with Frank Agin
And I define networking as two or more people working towards their mutual benefit.
You know, it's, yeah, there are both extremes. And I had a psychologist on my podcast several years ago. And he kind of dissected, he said, there are really three people in the room, he said, There's the wallflower, there's the person who is braggadocious.
And then, there's the person who's trying to make the quick sale. And that really, the fourth person in the room is the person doing it, right.
And he said, the thing that all of them have in common, all four of them have in common, is they're all insecure.
The person who feels like they need to always be talking. They're insecure, I gotta get my message out, the person who needs to make the sale, they're insecure, they just need to close the deal. The person who's the wallflower feels insecure.
But the person who does it right is insecure as well, but just has learned how to deal with that insecurity.
Nobody's going to reject that person who's there to help other people. And so all of a sudden, you kind of transform yourself from, I don't need to be the wallflower I'm here to help other people. And the reason the person's the wallflowers they're afraid that they're going to be rejected.
And so if they just kind of stepped into, I want to hear what this other person has to say, because there might be a way I might have information that will help them, I might have an introduction that will help them I might have, you know, somebody to refer them to depending upon the situation.
Be very interested in them. And so you sort of get them talking about the things that they you know that they're a value to them.
Read the rest of this entry »Thursday Nov 24, 2022
Boost your Presence with Gravitas: Diane DiResta
Thursday Nov 24, 2022
Thursday Nov 24, 2022
You don't need to be an executive to have presence
Check your gravitas, communication and appearance
Episode 122 (Diane is based in New York)
In this conversation we explore:
- The contributing components of presence
- What are the elements of gravitas, communication and appearance?
- The power of confidence and decisiveness
- How to align your communication
- How to establish your grounding position before you speak
- How to wield the power of the pause to your overwhelming advantage
- How to show up (and mistakes) for virtual meetings
About Diane DiResta
A speech pathologist, professional speaker, executive speech coach and past president of National Speakers Association NYC. She has spoken on 4 continents and is the author of Amazon category bestseller, Knockout Presentations.
Learn more about Diane at her website https://www.diresta.com/
Excerpts from this conversation with Diane DiResta
Gravitas is the biggest component and it makes up 67% of the message. Or the definition communication is 28%. And your appearance is 5%. of executive presence.
They're not grounded. So I give people actual practical tools that they can use. So here's one that I'll share with your listeners.
Whether you are on a screen or in a in person meeting, the first thing you want to do is establish a grounding position. Why? Because a lot of times in the beginning, we're fidgeting we have energy, we don't know what to do with it.
So here's what you can do, put both feet flat on the floor, lean in at a 15 degree angle with both hands on the table. I don't know if you can see this.
And what this does is it creates a presence and a grounding. So even if your heart is pounding out of your chest, we don't see it, you look confident.
So then the audience responds to you as if you are confident and then you start to feel more confident. You start to feel their respect and attention. So it starts with little things.
But what I've discovered is it's the little things that make the greatest impact. So nobody listening today has to do a big total makeover, but little tweaks along the way will get you to where you want to go.
So when you talk about appearance, looking polished, and you're being authentic part of that your background when you're on screen.
So how are you showing up, and I've had people with beds in the background, not good.
So you can have a branding background, a background, like what I have, or you can use your home as long as it's professional looking, or an office. But all of these little things add up to an impression, a brand and executive presence.
So energy is good. Enthusiasm is good, absolutely. But you can still be really enthusiastic, and come to a pause. So it's like a stop sign. Don't go past the stop sign, come to a complete stop, and then move. Let people have time to process.
Read the rest of this entry »Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Shift your mindset from judger to learner: Marilee Adams
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Are you asking questions to build or to tear down?
What is the difference between a learner and a judger mindset?
Episode 121 ( Marilee is based in New Jersey)
In this conversation we explore:
- The polar opposites of learner versus judger mindsets
- How to recognize your current mindset
- How to shift your mindset with the choice map
- How to be a stronger leader by asking stronger questions
- How to ask better questions of yourself
- Why decisions can be more productive when you are in learner mode
About Marilee Adams
Written 4 books, in August released two new books: (1) 4th edition of Change Your Questions, Change Your Life: 12 Powerful Tools for Leadership, Coaching, and Results—a business and leadership fable. (2) Change Your Questions Change Your Life Workbook: Master Your Mindset with Question Thinking. Note that the fable book has sold over 400,000 copies in 22 languages, mostly by word of mouth.
Marilee is the Founder and CEO of the Inquiry Institute, a consulting, coaching and educational organization that works internationally with organizations and government agencies large and small.
Marilee is a Senior Brown Belt in Karate, though that was 20 years ago; these days it’s mostly yoga for her!
Download your free copy of the Choice Map here and start making more productive choices about your mindset
Excerpts from this conversation with Marilee Adams
I think the most powerful leaders are the ones who can ask the most powerful questions and who encourage people around them to do the same thing.
And you you raise the the learner mindset versus the judging mindset. And that's something that you talk in your book about. Please tell us, what's the difference? What's the distinction? And why is it important?
Okay, I'm gonna describe each and I'm also going to show you a model that makes it easier to do that.
So first of all, let's assume that all of us, every human being has two mindsets. One I call judger. And the other I call learner, it's important to remember we all have both, both are normal.
And we will always have them, because we are not only neurologically hardwired for them, but we're also socially ingrained in them. So when I talk about being in judger, mindset, that means that I'm being more close minded more, putting myself or others down, being more judgmental, because judging means judgement fall.
And it can lead to a lot of self doubt, and also interacting with other people in ways that are not respectful and may actually be dismissive. So, but that's part of all of us.
And even if we don't like that part, that doesn't mean it's not there. And it's really useful to say, oh, yeah, that's me to accept all the parts of me. And if we can speak that we would be speaking from learner mindset, which we all have.
And when we're in learner mindset, we're more open minded, more accepting, more able to look from other people's point of view, and be dedicated to what can I create and learn in this situation with this person? So we all have both mindsets all the time.
What makes the powerful is that when we can observe the mindset we're in, and then ask ourselves, will this mindset let's say, it's judger? Well, this mindset helped me get to where I want to go in this situation. Most of the time, the answer's no.
But unless we can observe our mindsets, we might not even notice that. So it's important to note that I'm just going to, I'm going to show this and I'm going to make a comment about it to your listeners and your viewers. So this right, here it is, I get this confused. But this is called the choice map.
And we all have both mindsets, the judger mindset, and the learner mindset. And at any moment, we're in one or the other. And if we're in if we notice, we're in judger, we can start to use the switching lane. So it becomes a very practical how to.
So I know that this podcast is mostly auditory, which means people are not seeing it. But I do want to say that if you're interested in the choice map, go to my website, which is www inquiry institute.com.
So you can go to my website, you can get the choice map for free. So there's a protocol for how to do it, you take a short quiz, which is also gives you some useful information.
But then you can have the choice map and use it. And it's the core of not only change your questions, change your life, but all the other books that I've written and the work that I do that George, you mentioned a bit in the beginning. So does that answer your question?
Do you discourage people from being the judge?
I would change that question a little bit. So, when they learn about the model of learner judger, and they start to see what the costs have been in their lives, and in particular situations of being in judger, rather than learner, then I don't need to convince them of anything, they start to go, oh, this problem occurred because I was in judger.
And I was just obstinate, maybe there's a different way to go about it. And truthfully, judger is, is human beings, it's always our default position. It's where we go. It's when we go reactive, it's it's fear based.
And it's very useful to accept that part of us. Because it is part of us, and then to see what there is to learn from it. It's also important, George not to go judge her on other people when they are in judgement.
Because then you end up with, like judges squared. Moving to a position where you can actually listen to each other, relate to each other, and maybe come up with some shared solutions together.
Read the rest of this entry »Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Be Aware of Burnout and Prevent It: Janice Litvin
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Burnout is a Real Threat and You Can Prevent It
Mental health doesn't show up like a broken bone, yet it's present
Episode 120 (Janice is based in San Francisco)
In this conversation we explore:
- The challenges of identifying and mitgating burnout
- The difference between stress and burnout - and the connection
- That burnout is not an on-off switch but a downward spiral
- Simple course corrections - outdoors, sunlight and social interaction
- Our health includes mental, physical and emotional
- How burnout might be temporary
- How to have supportive conversations with your team
About Janice Litvin
Author of Banish Burnout Toolkit. (Available at Amazon or her website: JaniceLitvin.com/Book (can download a free first chapter)
Keynote speaker and workshop leader who helps leaders and their teams prevent burnout so they can come to work healthy and happy and be productive.
She also helps employees change their reactions to stress from the inside out. And she makes it memorable and fun.
Learn more at www.JaniceLitvin.com
Excerpts from this conversation with Janice Litvin
Well, I use the World Health Organization's definition of burnout, which is chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. Actually, they call the syndrome caused by chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.
Now, a lot of people confuse the term stress with burnout. A lot of people say Oh, I'm so burned out. True burnout is complete mental, physical and emotional exhaustion to the point where you really have to take an extended leave.
Really, when people say, Oh, I'm so burned out, I think what they really mean is, I'm very stressed out. And I might be approaching burnout. And that's important to note as well.
And how can one make a determination or distinction? I'm feeling lousy right now? How do I know if I'm stressed, or if I'm burned out?
It all starts with the brain. When someone says I'm feeling lousy, that's a very broad statement that could mean physical, that can be emotional, can be mental.
And so it all starts with the thoughts. If you're waking up in the morning, and the first thought on your mind is something you have on your to-do list, you might be a little stressed.
And you might want to start thinking about spending a few moments throughout the day, not focused on work, whether that means taking a five minute break outside in the sun, which releases a lot of happiness, chemicals, or calling a friend.
And having a nice chat with a friend just checking in say, How's your day going? You know, I have all this work to do. I'm feeling nervous, and the friend can say, well, and that reminds you of things you already know, take it one step at a time.
Let our emotions run our thoughts, do the most important thing first, all the things we already know sometimes our thoughts, a lot of our brain with fear. And we just need to come back down to earth.
Well, I want to say this. When someone is struggling, a lot of people are afraid of being labelled mentally ill. So they're not going to go to their boss and say I'm feeling mentally ill today.
They're not gonna go to their bosses, I'm struggling because they don't want to be labelled as that person can't do the job. Everybody wants to come across as being adept at their work and successful at their work. And yet, it's important to it really goes back to what I said earlier, which is people knowing each other and having a good team cohesion.
That might mean a team off-site once a month where you go do a charity project like a cleanup day, or, or go feed the hungry or go read to some children something or go on a Heart Walk or whatever it is or left the team, vote on a charity and they want to raise, do their own little fun. charity drive for who walks the most number of minutes or the most number of steps or whatever you want to do.
Does everybody chip in, so much money for however many steps they took, and donate that money to a cause that the team votes on whether it's a heart association or, or a school or whatever, and build, begin to take these baby steps toward building a really strong unit team.
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